

Java compiler and runtime environment (JRE) supporting JDK version 1.4 or better.


The latest version is available at


Download and uncompress the file Optionally, you can download the file and uncompress it to a directory named sounds. After that, follow either (a) or (b)

(a) copy the file AIsHockey.jar into your JDK directory tree to the directory /jre/lib/ext/

(b) leave the file AIsHockey.jar in your work directory

Starting the server

Follow either (a) or (b)

(a) java Server <configuration file>

(b) java -cp AIsHockey.jar;. Server <configuration file>

Starting the client

Follow either (a) or (b)

(a) java Client <configuration file>

(b) java -cp AIsHockey.jar;. Client <configuration file>

Alternatively, if the team's class files are in a jar package, follow either (a) or (b)

(a) java -cp <team>.jar;. Client <configuration file>

(b) java -cp AIsHockey.jar;<team>.jar;. Client <configuration file>

Compiling an AI class

Follow either (a) or (b)

(a) javac <file>.java

(b) javac -classpath AIsHockey.jar <file>.java

Distributing a team

When you distribute the team's class files, you should preferably compress them into a jar package:

jar cvf <team>.jar <AI file 1>.class <AI file 2>.class ...

In addition to the jar package, provide the team definitions from the configuration file including the fields