Petit Prix

Petit Prix is a turn-based racing game for Java. Download the file, uncompess it, and run the file PetitPrix.jar with the command line

java -jar PetitPrix.jar
or, in Windows, double click the corresponding icon (provided you have installed JDK 1.2 or later in your system).

How to drive your car

Each car has a velocity vector indicating the current speed. In the next turn, any of the nine positions surrounding the end of the velocity vector can be chosen (unless they are outside the road or already taken by another car).

When you move the mouse over the available positions, a grid of squares indicates the available positions in the next turn. You can also use the keys on the numeric pad to select the position.

After you have clicked an available position (or pressed enter if you are using the keyboard), your car moves to the new position and the velocity vector is updated.

If you have no available position where to move, your car will crash and stay immobile as many turns as were your speed at the moment of impact. After that, you can continue the race by starting from standstill.
© 2000 Jouni Smed & Timo Kaukoranta