Class Game

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Game
extends java.lang.Thread

A hockey game.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Method Summary
 int getFaceoffSpot()
          Returns the faceoff spot.
 Team getHome()
          Returns the home team.
 Puck getPuck()
          Returns the puck.
 int getScore(boolean home)
          Returns the score for the home team if home == true, otherwise the score for the visiting team.
 long getTime()
          Returns the time left in the game in milliseconds.
 Team getVisitor()
          Returns the visiting team.
 boolean isFoul(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team commits a foul, or if h == false and the visiting team commits a foul.
 boolean isGameOver()
          Returns true, if the game is over.
 boolean isGameStopped()
          Returns true, if the game is stopped.
 boolean isGoal(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team has scored, or if h == false and the visiting team has scored.
 boolean isGoalieKeepingPuck(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team goalie keeps the puck, or if h == false and the visiting team goalie keeps the puck.
 boolean isIcing(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team causes an icing, or if h == false and the visiting team causes an icing.
 boolean isInterferingGoalie(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team is interfering the goalie, or if h == false and the visiting team is interfering the goalie.
 boolean isOffside(boolean h)
          Returns true, if h == true and the home team causes an offside, or if h == false and the visiting team causes an offside.
 boolean isPuckUnplayable()
          Returns true, if the puck has become unplayable.
 void keepPuck(Player p)
          Lets the goalkeeper p keep the puck, if possible.
 void run()
          Runs the game.
 void shoot(Player p, double s)
          Lets the player p shoot the puck with the proportional power s, if possible.
 void teamUpdated()
          Signal that teams have been updated.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getContextClassLoader, getName, getPriority, getThreadGroup, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setName, setPriority, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void run()
Runs the game.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
run in class java.lang.Thread


public Team getHome()
Returns the home team.


public Team getVisitor()
Returns the visiting team.


public Puck getPuck()
Returns the puck.


public long getTime()
Returns the time left in the game in milliseconds.


public int getScore(boolean home)
Returns the score for the home team if home == true, otherwise the score for the visiting team.


public void teamUpdated()
Signal that teams have been updated.


public boolean isGameStopped()
Returns true, if the game is stopped.


public boolean isGameOver()
Returns true, if the game is over.


public int getFaceoffSpot()
Returns the faceoff spot.

See Also:


public boolean isGoal(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team has scored, or if h == false and the visiting team has scored.


public boolean isOffside(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team causes an offside, or if h == false and the visiting team causes an offside.


public boolean isIcing(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team causes an icing, or if h == false and the visiting team causes an icing.


public boolean isInterferingGoalie(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team is interfering the goalie, or if h == false and the visiting team is interfering the goalie.


public boolean isGoalieKeepingPuck(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team goalie keeps the puck, or if h == false and the visiting team goalie keeps the puck.


public boolean isFoul(boolean h)
Returns true, if h == true and the home team commits a foul, or if h == false and the visiting team commits a foul.


public boolean isPuckUnplayable()
Returns true, if the puck has become unplayable.


public void shoot(Player p,
                  double s)
Lets the player p shoot the puck with the proportional power s, if possible.


public void keepPuck(Player p)
Lets the goalkeeper p keep the puck, if possible.