Class FrictionalBody

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class FrictionalBody
extends Body

A moving physical body with mass and dimensionality. The outline of the body is approximated with a bounding circle of a given radius, which is used in detecting overlaps. The body can be owned by an instance of the class Universe, which may impose limits to the position.


Constructor Summary
protected FrictionalBody(double m, double r, Friction f)
          Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r and friction f.
protected FrictionalBody(double m, double r, Point2 p, Friction f)
          Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p and friction f.
protected FrictionalBody(double m, double r, Point2 p, Vector2 v, Friction f)
          Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p, the velocity v and friction f.
protected FrictionalBody(double m, double r, Point2 p, Vector2 v, Vector2 a, Friction f)
          Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p, the velocity v, the acceleration a and friction f.
Method Summary
 Vector2 futureVelocity(double dt)
          Returns the velocity of the body after seconds.
 Friction getFriction()
          Returns the friction of the body.
 void setFriction(Friction f)
          Sets the friction of the body to f.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string that contains the values of the attributes.
Methods inherited from class fi.utu.cs.physics.Body
advance, elasticCollision, futurePosition, getAcceleration, getMass, getPosition, getRadius, getVelocity, inelasticCollision, isColliding, isOverlapping, setAcceleration, setAcceleration, setMass, setPosition, setPosition, setRadius, setVelocity, setVelocity
Methods inherited from class fi.utu.cs.physics.Particle
addCollisionNotification, clearCollisionNotifications, getOwner, isCollisionNotified, isCollisionNotified, isCorporeal, removeCollisionNotification, setCorporeal, setEthereal, setOwner
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected FrictionalBody(double m,
                         double r,
                         Friction f)
Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r and friction f. The body resides in the origin and has a zero velocity and a zero acceleration. The body is corporeal and has no owner.


protected FrictionalBody(double m,
                         double r,
                         Point2 p,
                         Friction f)
Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p and friction f. The body has a zero velocity and a zero acceleration. The body is corporeal and has no owner.


protected FrictionalBody(double m,
                         double r,
                         Point2 p,
                         Vector2 v,
                         Friction f)
Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p, the velocity v and friction f. The body has a zero acceleration. The body is corporeal and has no owner.


protected FrictionalBody(double m,
                         double r,
                         Point2 p,
                         Vector2 v,
                         Vector2 a,
                         Friction f)
Constructs a body with the mass m, the radius r, the position p, the velocity v, the acceleration a and friction f. The body is corporeal and has no owner.

Method Detail


public Friction getFriction()
Returns the friction of the body.


public void setFriction(Friction f)
Sets the friction of the body to f.


public Vector2 futureVelocity(double dt)
Returns the velocity of the body after seconds. If the body is not frictionless, friction slows down the velocity.

futureVelocity in class Body
See Also:
Body.advance(double), Body.futurePosition(double)


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string that contains the values of the attributes.

toString in class Body