Package fi.utu.cs.physics

Classes for Newtonian particle physics.


Class Summary
Body A moving physical body with mass and dimensionality.
Boundary A static physical boundary which can be open or closed.
BoundaryCurve A boundary curve.
BoundaryLine A boundary line.
EpsilonComparator A rounding comparator for double-precision floating point values.
Friction A pair of static and kinetic friction coefficients.
FrictionalBody A moving physical body with mass and dimensionality.
MomentaryBody A moving physical body with mass, dimensionality and a finite lifetime.
OrientedBody A moving physical body with mass, dimensionality and orientation.
Particle A fundamental particle.
Point2 A two-element point of double-precision floating point x, y coordinates.
Tuple2 A two-element tuple of double-precision floating point values.
Universe A universe comprising a collection of Body objects.
Vector2 A two-component vector of double-precision floating point values.

Package fi.utu.cs.physics Description

Classes for Newtonian particle physics.